Don’t ever give up

Thomas Edison said, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

As tough as life, school or a project might be, we must persevere to achieve success. Imagine what could be accomplished if we never gave up.

Set goals, both big and small, and work toward them with a positive, never-give-up attitude. And don’t stop once you achieve them—keep going.

I’m starting a blog, and you should too

Or do something else that you’ve been wanting to do. But whatever it is, start doing it now.

Sometimes people let doubt and fear get in the way of a project. Why? Because the project means something to them.

There’s the fear of failure. If you’re not failing at something, you’re not trying hard enough. Try new things and you might discover you’re good at them.

The fear of rejection. If what you do pleases everyone, then you’re not doing something right. You might keep the peace, but you’re not allowing yourself to grow and reach your full potential.

The fear of the unknown. Doubt occurs because of the unknown. But you’ll never know if you can do something until you try.

So go ahead, start something new today. Do it because YOU want to do it.